HomeEasyBudget allows you to manage your finances independently of your banking applications.
It is an application made for you who like to manage your finances manually, to the nearest penny and forecast.
Unlike a bank account aggregator (such as Linxeo, Bankin or your bank application) HomeEasyBudget does not access your account data online: no security risk, bank account piracy and no problem with your bank account confidentiality.
Daily management
You want precise and daily management? HomeEasyBudget allows you to enter all your transactions at any time and from all your devices, and to schedule recurring transactions:

Forward planning
You want a management forecast? HomeEasyBudget allows you to create lines of provisioning and to plan your budgets holidays, works, important purchases, savings, …:

Operations history
HomeEasyBudget remembers for you which operations you have entered or modified and when:

You close a bank account? HomeEasyBudget allows you to keep the history of your old accounts indefinitely.